Wednesday, September 24, 2008

For Congress Oversight = Overlook

The foxes are all sponsoring hearings this week and are whining about why they should be allowed to oversee the hen house. Despite the fact that they have always demonstrated a voracious appetite for chicken and a complete lack of any notion of self-discipline.

The "foxes" are our congressional leaders.

They are blaming Wall Street, blaming Bush, blaming the Private Sector... none seem to be considering the fact that the great financial debacle in which we find ourselves is of their own making!

Though I shouldn't be, I am still astounded at the audacity -the gall -of these charlatans. Their level of hypocrisy is amazing.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the like are pointing out that they want congress to provide the oversight of this $700 Billion dollar bailout scheme.

I ask you. If you have a third cousin that is shiftless and lazy and has never done an honest day's work. If he has taken all you ever offered to give him without an ounce of gratitude. If he has stolen from you when your back was turned and sometimes even when you were looking right at him... are you going to let this guy run your business for you? Can you honestly see yourself turning over your checking account to him?

Frank and Dodd and their ilk have had oversight over these industries yet they act as if they never saw this coming. It seems that for them oversight meant to 'overlook' the problems.

Frank and Dodd and company have been enriched by their relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In fact some have indicated that they were instrumental in limiting the scrutiny of those two organizations.

Now in this day of sensational headlines - when everything is "The Worst It's Been in Years!" - perhaps we need to back away and breathe a minute. Fear and panic can lead you into some foolish agreements.

Never trust someone who says you have to decide right now! Chances are, they do not want you to study the proposal too closely.

About a year ago, this same congress was saying we had to get overwhelming legislation passed to overhaul the entire immigration policy in America. Remember that?
As more and more light was shed on that proposal America soon sent the message to congress that these were not changes that we wanted. Yet for many of them - until it became apparent that their political necks were on the line - they were singing the praises of comprehensive immigration reform. They said it had to be passed right away and as I recall, they spoke of those that opposed them in a rather disparaging way.

These are the same guys.

They are up there "crying 'wolf'" again.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that there are some serious issues facing our economy, and I readily admit that I know very little about how the failure of these major players might effect our economy. But I do not have any reason to trust those that are in positions of leadership. Especially when I believe that failed Clinton Administration policies and a little bit of larceny from our congressional "leaders" are at the source of this conundrum.

Do I seem bitter?

Well let me look to the bright side: America has been blessed with a rich heritage. It is a heritage inspired by God and put into place by God-led men, therefore our system of government is marvelous and amazing.

Our system of government is one whose only power is loaned to it by the people.

There are checks and balances in place to keep power from concentrating in one area and to limit the possibility of corruption.

The biggest check and balance we have is the vote.

It would be nice to see those members of our legislative branch that have profited in an unlawful way to come to justice. But until we can find some true leaders to truly take on the task of real reform (think Ronald Reagan), the next best thing will be to vote them out of office.

I was happy to notice the headline tonight that the FBI is looking into Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
And those congressional job approval numbers still hover around 73 % -disapprove.

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