We took our annual trek to one of the nearby Waffle Houses for a "Last Day of Summer Break" breakfast. I don't know how long the kids and I have kept this tradition but I know it has been at least three years - I think longer.
I double-checked that T-Bone Steak sales statistic I shared in an earlier post and according to one of the placards on the wall, they are still the number one seller of T-Bone steaks... also the world leader in waffles served.
And I am pretty sure I heard Dave Ramsey say once that they are a debt-free organization - that is amazing!
I just love to be greeted with the smell of waffles and a rousing "Good Morning!" when we walk in the door.
Being a weekday and after the early breakfast rush, we were able to take our choice of seats... naturally we chose the counter. I like for the kids (and me) to be able to see all the action taking place: employees bantering back and forth, spats (that's short for spatula) clinking against the griddle, and the ever present sizzle of delightful, tasty stuff!
My first two jobs were in food service. I don't think the first one really counted - I only stayed two weeks. But the next summer, I went to work at Sambo's -a now bankrupt organization(I tell people that I possibly played a role in their demise). They were sort of a "B" grade knock off of Denny's.
I was a cook with the stove-pipe hat and everything! I never really liked that job but, I do still enjoy that atmosphere. I get my "short-order" fix every so often by sitting at the counter at Waffle House.
You know, it doesn't hurt that the wait-persons (I really dislike that term) call me "Hon" and "Sugar"... I can't for the life of me, understand why some folks are offended with that.
You know, spent a little time looking over the Waffle House Website awhile back and went back to get pictures for this post. The organization began when two neighbors, Joe Rogers and Tom Forkner got together to open the first restaurant in Atlanta. One worked for a restaurant that provided no opportunities for ownership - the "Toddle House", and the other was in real estate.

They now have over 1500 stores.
There was something special about the restaurant business in the 1950's and 1960's - a lot of hardworking entrepreneurs were getting their start.... Dave Thomas of Wendy's fame, and Colonel Sanders. Ray Kroc was eyeing the McDonald brother's successful little hamburger stand as he sold them his Multimixer- milkshake machine, and Truett Cathy was convincing people to "Eat mor chikin". . . I really like the stories these organizations have to tell.
Like them, Rogers and Forkner found themselves without a lot of opportunities to grow... so they created opportunity.
Our free market, capitalist system was inspired!
That's one thing I hope my children will glean from our Waffle House visits and similar events. And if one day, they have the opportunity to influence others in this nation (as I am sure they will) perhaps they will remember the right lessons.
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