I like that word. It means the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. That's rich!
I tried to explain that to Ab today as I attempted to talk her into including her brother in her latest project. There were territorial issues - her project required his skateboard; however, to utilize his skateboard, she would also have to take him on as a partner ... and share.
Those same obstacles pop up in groups, businesses, churches, even marriages every day. Somebody clings to something and cries mine! All the other parties (or party) then circle the wagons and begin defending their territory. The result is that little or no real progress is achieved.
Anyway, they decided to work together. The energy that their cooperation released was obvious.
They took a pile of boxes - nothing of any size much - and began to develop a spacecraft for a slated "Mission to Mars". By the time I stopped my work and stepped over to learn more about their progress, they were on their way! AA was to be the "Operator" at Mission Control and Ab was to actually pilot the craft.
Okay, they may have been influenced by some stories I have told them about the summer Apollo 11 landed on the moon. My best friend Steve and I were caught up in all the excitement about the lunar mission. I had (and still have) a map of the moon, one of the banks was giving away. For a long time I had a presentation on a 45 rpm record that the A & P grocer was giving away, it included excerpts from Kennedy's
speeches challenging the nation to take the moon! My Dad even bought a new RCA color television (our first color TV) so we could watch the historic moments in living color!
But the best thing about that summer was that when Armstrong and Aldrin landed the LM (lunar module) near the "Sea of Tranquility" on the moon - we were right there with them.
Each day we would get an early start, reassembling our own Lunar Module. We built the first models out of lawn chairs stacked on top of one another. For a time, we took the mission inside and set up in my closet. For light, I had a glow-in-the-dark, top-like toy called a Whizzzzzzer. The closet was especially useful when we traveled around the dark side of the moon and endured the strain of communication blackout.
Steve got to be Commander Neil Armstrong - I had to be Buzz Aldrin. So he got to do the "One small step for man..." routine. But we worked together and came up with new ideas each day that we would implement into our mission. Synergy.
I felt some of that same enthusiasm as my kids involved themselves into a strictly imagination-driven project! It was fun to hear ideas popping out and the "oh yeah - great idea!" that illustrated the joy of people working together on something bigger.
Here is Ab during the early phase of the "ship's" construction.
AA demonstrates the radio communications made entirely from cardboard boxes, tape and a twist of carpet yarn for the mic cord.
The Team transports the project to the "surface of Mars" (otherwise known as the play area).
Notice that the skateboard is now in use.
Ab is in the craft.
That's AA on the radio in the new Mission Control.
Through the hatch, we see Commander Ab piloting the craft.

Mission Control Close-up.

The One certain ingredient you will find in any project that involves Ab: Tape.
If we see everything through the prism of God's Purpose, then we must know that this corporate energy is His gift. You'll see it demonstrated throughout the Bible:
- The Israelites in the wilderness, giving over-much to provide for the construction of the Tabernacle and also jumping into the process - learning crafts like weaving, metal craft, engraving, all so they could join in on the project;
- When Nehemiah led the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem, when everyone worked on the portion of the wall near their household. When the enemy threatened, some stood guard protecting others that were working on the wall;
- After Pentecost in Acts - with synergy that was compounded by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit- the infant church pooled their resources, funded mission projects, and cared for others in economic struggles.
- Even in a negative way, we can see the power of synergy at work when folks decided to try and build a tower to heaven (Babel).
Simple things we hopefully learned at an early age... things like sharing with others and cooperating - letting others take their turn first ... when employed in our relationships can release God's gift and give those who do not know Him, a small glimpse.
So don't sit around on your hands! No more dragging your feet! Clear the path for long-distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it! Work at getting along with each other and with God. Otherwise you'll never get so much as a glimpse of God. Make sure no one gets left out of God's generosity. Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time. Hebrews 12:12-15 The Message
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