Thursday, October 8, 2009

Status Check

R. and I have been in a transitional phase for at least the past year. I thought I should take a few moments and catch you up.

We became somehow - discontent - with where we were. I had led a teaching about two years ago that surrounded the "daughters of Zelophehad" from Numbers 27. These girls were discontent with their plight because their father had died, leaving no sons - and they were not being allowed to receive his heritage.

They took their problem to Moses, who took it the case to God and God said they had spoken right.

I think that's when I fully realized that discontentment is okay with God, when we take that discontentment to Him.

That and many other things eventually led us to leave a church fellowship that we have been involved with for over 25 years (for me, a little less for R.).

We have been involved in a church for the past year that is strong in Reformed Theology. . . this is very different for us since our roots tend more toward Armenian Theology and Pentecostalism.

It is a major culture shift.

We think that the fact that things are so very different has been a positive thing for us - it has made us more sensitive and we listen more.

As R.'s blog points out, we are a "Work In Progress" so we do not know where God is taking us ultimately, but we are finding new interests - new possibilities.

Our Sunday School class is studying Fikkert and Corbett's "When Helping Hurts" - this book is really challenging the way I think about poverty alleviation and even more than that - it's challenging me on the fact that I am not very engaged with people. If I help someone, I want to get it over with as quickly as possible and with as little inconvenience to me as possible.
I believe there are things God wants to change about me and He is bringing me around to the point that I will be open to that change.

The changes that have gone on for us are having a positive impact on R. as well and I think the Reform theology's worldview is effecting our kids.

The changes are hard and may have been misunderstood by folks that are dear to us. I am still working through these things, but God has truly blessed us to bring us into some new places at this stage in our walk.

We are excitedly awaiting His next step.


Jef Welch said...

Hi Dathan and Robin,
Obviously I am impressed. You both are moving without others controlling your moves and have chosen to do what is best for your family. I respect that. As you know, I have made decisions that I have been judged for. However, the truth is that we must choose our path. For those who say they are right and you are wrong, may be encouraged to think again just because you did this openly with an explanation. You guys are impressive.

Deb said...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path. You both exemplify II Chron. 16:9a "The eyes of the Lord run to & fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong on the behalf of them whose hearts are made perfect towards Him"