Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Not Here

What a rush of sadness and insult that must have engulfed the already-wounded Mary when she heard those words,uttered from a stranger in the garden of the tomb.

When I was very small, my Dad's brother from California came to visit with much of his large family, they spent one night with us. Being very small I went to sleep before the sleeping arrangements were all worked out. Unbeknownst to me, my Uncle and Aunt were assigned to sleep in my parent's bed.
Some time in the night, I awoke and went to my parent's room - hoping to find comfort and solace (and probably an invitation to join them). I still remember the great shock when I gently called to Mom at the bedside -and "that woman" - that wasn't my Mom rolled over and looked at me!

It was sad to go to the place I always went for help - and find that my source wasn't there.

I suspect Mary felt a little like that.

But because that tomb was empty. Jesus - it's former occupant - is now in a position to "never leave" us.

Mary found an empty tomb, but soon her heart would be forever filled.

He arose. Jesus Christ proved that He was Who He said He was.
That made the awful price He paid of great value to us.

A good man could have been martyred as Jesus was and it would have been a great act of courage - it might have inspired many; but the act of laying down His life would have brought about no real change.

Only God Himself - perfect, sinless - laying down His life would allow us to truly be changed...

...and changed forever!

Happy Resurrection Day!!

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