Sunday, September 13, 2009

You A-Nuther'n

Much has been made of the President's health care reform rehash speech last week and Representative Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" statement. . . .

"you a-nuther'n!"

That is the typical southern response that would been employed in such instances.

Perhaps if the teleprompter guys had really been on their toes, they could have maybe inserted that comeback into the President's text, as in:

"You LIE!"
"You a-nuther'n"

You a-nuther'n is Southern for "You are another one" and is the adult version of "twinkle-twinkle-little-star; what-you-say is-what-you-are!" or "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to YOU!" Under normal circumstances, Wilson would have followed up with the fallback phraseology for all verbal fisticuffs:

"Oh yeah?!"


"Says Who!?"

Or if he had wanted to escalate the matter he might have upgraded to the ever popular:

"Yo' Mama!"

-which apparently doesn't have to bear any contextual resemblance to the actual case in point.

Under Rules for Southern Debate, the President could have then resorted to profanity or the physical hurling of some object close at hand - perhaps his bottled water or maybe even the Speaker's Gavel.

Just maybe the flying gavel would have glanced off some junior Senator and smacked Nancy Pelosi in the mouth chipping a tooth.

That would have been enough to clear both benches.

It would have taken the entire "Citizen's Militia" branch of ACORN and two or three Czars to sort out the melee.

I can see a joint press conference taking place with President Obama and Joe Wilson, sometime after midnight - both with puffy eyes and disheveled clothing, laughing and talking about "who licked whom".

I'm not sure how they work things out in Chicago, but that is one way we do it in the South.

At any rate, if that had happened you can bet the next Presidential Speech before a joint session of congress to once again re-re-re-explain the health care plan - would certainly have better ratings.

I think I would even watch.

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