Friday, December 10, 2010

Comfort and Joy - Mary's Gift

This second week of the Advent Season, I have been focusing my reading on Mary and Joseph and how they were brought into God's Christmas Story (Matthew 1 and Luke 1).

I noticed that God saw fit to build and edify Mary's faith through several confirming occurrences. 

This is juxtaposed to the plight of Joseph and Zacharius, who both also received angelic visits.  Once the announcement of God's plan was made, it seems that God saw fit to provide nothing further to strengthen their faith.  Zacharius spent nearly a year in silence; Joseph received no other heavenly messages until after Jesus was born.

Mary, on the other hand, found grace and help all along the way.

After Gabriel rocked her world by making his remarkable announcement, he let her know that the miracle season was already well underway and her aunt - who was known for being childless - was six months pregnant.

Mary must have found immediate comfort in that revelation!  Someone else is in a similar predicament, someone is in on the secret.  Almost immediately she went to her.

Since I think Jesus birth was especially human - though He was also wholly God - I believe that the pregnancy bore resemblance to all other such plights.  I think Mary probably had "morning sickness".  If so, the trip to the hills of Judea must have been exceptionally harrowing.

It seems that while she was yet in the driveway at the home of Uncle Zach and Aunt Liz, she could hear the old woman calling out to her with more comforting confirmation! 

"Blessed is the Fruit of your womb!" 

"she knows!" Mary must have whispered!

Yet unborn, John Baptist began his work of preparing the way for the Savior (not a small task for what some would refer to as "randomly gathered protoplasm") by bounding within the confines of Elizabeth's womb.

All of these incidents served to support and build the faith of this timid girl with a daunting task ahead of her.  Her emotions erupted into a glorious praise song that is sometimes called the Magnificat...

 "My soul does magnify the LORD! And my spirit does rejoice in God, my Saviour!. . . "

At some point in time - either before her journey to Judea or just after - Joseph further added to her joy.  God had spoken to him and confirmed what Mary had told him:  this Child would be the Christ!

I marvel at God's kindness toward Mary, how He went out of His way to provide her with support and confirm her faith. 
While Mary's task was certainly monumental - God's love and kindness toward us is no different.  He lavishes His love upon us through the His Word and through our relationships with others.

O tidings Comfort and Joy!

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