Saturday, October 9, 2010

Please Buy My Kid's Popcorn

It's that time of year again.
Not unlike the Girl Scouts and their ubiquitous cookies - the Cub Scouts are putting on their annual fundraiser - Popcorn!

Since I believe the Judeo-Christian work ethic is one thing that makes this country great, I like the fact that the boys are required to do the lion's share of the work with this fundraising effort.

AA has jumped whole-heartedly into the sales effort; he has boldly gone door to door in a couple of neighborhoods as I stood just behind him.  Further, he has displayed a sales savvy that would make my Dad quite proud (as it does me).

In spite of all this effort and a pretty strong sells record, he is still short of his goal of winning a cool crossbow that shoots marshmallows ( no young lad should be without).

So I am responding in typical American capitalist parent fashion -by asking you to consider buying some popcorn from the boy.

A large percentage of the sales go into local scouting  and a portion to his particular Pack.

If you'd like, go to AA's link and look around.

If, for no other reason, consider the great annoyance he could wreak on our household with that marshmallow pelting crossbow!

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