Friday, October 8, 2010

On Multi-Tasking

I don't multi-task.

Ask anyone.  Ask the myriad of women that I work around (multi-tasking seems to be a trait of particular interest to women for some reason).  Ask my wife.  Even ask my middle school teachers ... they would have told you - like they told my parents during the parent-teacher conference - "he doesn't budget his time well".

Since I already know that doing multiple things at one time is, for me, a hopeless endeavor - I have decided to embrace my single-mindedness.

In recent months I have even seen some endorsements of the low-productivity, low effeciency lifestyle.

At one point I attended a work-life balance type of class at work.  It was aimed specifically at multi-tasking. 
That's where I learned that I am right and the other 98.3% of the population are wrong:  the instructor demonstrated how that "multi-tasking" is actually "Switch-tasking".  He said that we actually have to stop thinking about one duty in order to start the other.

Most people to whom I have attempted to explain this - remain in their state of frenzied unbelief.

I'm not surprised that I do not produce many converts.  I guess the same skills that go into making one a successful multi-tasker, would also be required to make one a successful evangelist.

Ironically, I am learning that my children have great confidence in my ability to do many things at once (probably got this from hanging around their mother).  They have an amazing ability to find me the moment I sit down for a quiet moment of activity that requires my total concentration - and throw in new tasks for me to complete.

It is as if they feel sorry for me for having nothing particularly active to do. 

Like right now for instance, as I have stolen away for a quick visit to blogland - I have heard numerous requests and comments and instructions.

I would go into detail about what they said ...

...unfortunately I don't multi-task.

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