Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Eleventh

I presumed that a majority of bloggers would be noting the day with words of remembrance - but so far I haven't seen a lot.

I heard a brief tribute on the radio today and I noticed that as newscasts from the actual event were playing our car grew silent.  It was Ab, AA and me and the car grew silent.

AA wasn't born yet when Islamic Extremists pulled off their dastardly attack, Ab was not yet three.

I still cannot put down the emotions - still don't understand them.  Mixed with anger and deep sadness - there is a sense of pride in the noble character of so many involved.  There is still a taste of unity in the memories as well - that day, we sincerely asked folks how they were doing... were they okay?

Today I am sad though, not so much because of the magnitude of that infamous event, but because we failed to properly respond.  I'm not talking about our military. 

We, as a nation, were handed a great opportunity to turn around.  I want get into the argument of whether God brought 9-11 on or not - it happened.
I do believe that God can use every event that we encounter to make us better. 

For an all to brief time, we were better.  I think it was probably one election cycle. We remained unified, the American flag was displayed prominently everywhere, congressional representatives even through out the bogus "invisible wall of separation"  church and state, junk for a time and Democrat and Republican alike join in an impromptu singing of "God Bless America" on the capital steps.

Then it all changed.  Politics and the urge for power crept in.

Today we are more worried about congress and the President destroying the American Ideal than terrorists.  We are keeping our friends at arms length while embracing our enemies.  Reasonable, honest people with common sense are questioning whether some of our basic freedoms will remain in place for long.

In that brief radio tribute I heard today, I listened to excerpts from then President Bush's first address after the attacks.  Say what you will, that man brought honor to the office of President.  I remembered the confidence his words provoked.

I did not like everywhere he lead us, but he was our last great leader - hopefully not the very last. 

Someone once said that we didn't fail the tests God handed us, we just have to take them over and over again until we get them right.  That may not sync with your theology, but we do tend to go through things over and over . . .  I believe St. James said "whom the Lord loves, He chastens . . ."

Perhaps all of this turmoil we are currently facing as a nation... economic recession, overwhelming overhauls and the like, are just another test. 

Perhaps we could turn back to the right path; maybe we still have a chance.

As we think back to that clear day, nine years ago and consider the near 3,000 that died that day list to the challenge from another time as then - President Lincoln stood overlooking the resting place from another act of war....
"that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain;

that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
                                                                                                          Abraham Lincoln

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