Friday, September 17, 2010

Praise the Lord and Pass the Maple Syrup

The IHOP - International House of Pancakes is suing the IHOP - International House of Prayer for using its acronym.

IHOP, the restaurant, claims that the dueling monikers confuse its patrons.

I am not sure how that flows out... by "confusing the patrons", do they mean that they fear that typical customers of IHOP, the restaurant, will wander into various locations of IHOP, the church, in search of a Rooty-Tooty-Rich-and-Fruity?

I mean, if the absence of sticky substance on the floors isn't a dead give-away that you are not in the IHOP, the restaurant - wouldn't you notice immediately that there are no booths or tables ... and that the menus bear a remarkable likeness to hymnals?

Or is it the other way around?  Does IHOP, the restaurant, feel concerned that members of the IHOP, the church, may wander into one of their establishments in hopes of enjoying a "heavenly feast" of "eternal delectables"?

"Margaret, I couldn't wait to get out of that service - did you notice how sticky those floors were?  And I couldn't hear a word the preacher said -in fact I never saw him! .... and don't you think the way those folks carried on communion was just a little unorthodox!?"

"Well Nevin, maybe its one of them new-fangledy restaurant churches where they all sit around and be RELEVANT together..."

It seems to me that IHOP, the restaurant, is being petty.  Shouldn't a restaurant be happy about anyone walking in the door - even if they arrive under false pretenses?

I would proclaim myself "done with" IHOP, the restaurant, but I already don't go there.  As my readers know, the Waffle House is my breakfast boutique of choice! You walk into that establishment and hear a hardy "Good Mornin' Sweetie" along with a cacophony of clinking silverware, slapping spatulas and the jukebox - you know you are not in church!

Besides the argument is moot.

I just heard that the church has relented.  They will be giving up their name and as a body, they have decided to go with a new name that better reflects their sense of unity of purpose. 
They will now be called - the Kingdom Fellowship Church.. . . .   or KFC for short....

Okay, I just made up that last part.

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