Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday Night Around the Board

I will share this for two reasons:

1) It makes me look noble
2) I am trying to occasionally enter shorter blogs

Because I was the youngest of three children and my siblings were out of the house by the time I was eleven, I felt that I might have missed some of those family experiences; you know the kind presented on old situation comedies: family meetings like on "My Three Sons" and "The Brady Bunch", age old traditions like those enjoyed by "The Waltons".
Perhaps because I may have felt deprived of those life long memories - I like holding traditions with our kids. For example, the kids and I try to manage a Waffle House Breakfast on at least two solemn occasions: The last day before school starts back (or on a day near that) and on the day after Thanksgiving Day. This year, we began "Family Pizza-Event Night" and I love it. Every Friday night we try to do something special and takeout pizza is usually involved. Often we watch a movie (or a portion of one) together (on the nights I get to pick, I try and encourage the kids to acquire a taste for old, black & white movies), sometimes we play a board game, at other times we go somewhere.

Well, tonight we didn't really have a plan. My wife - who is the essence of practicality - vetoed "pizza" since the kids have that for school lunch one day early next week... moderation, you know!

We finally arrived at the game idea... tonight it would be "The Game of Life".

We played a few weeks back and I think everyone enjoyed it.

Just as everyone was working their way upstairs to play - Mom gave me a reprieve: If I wanted to stay downstairs and work on the blog post, it would be okay - she would play the game with the kids.

I dwelt on that thought for a moment. It was a tempting offer. I could use some quiet time.

"n-a-a-a-a-h, I'll just play. "

What kind of guy would pass up a chance to sit down in the floor with his wife and kids and laugh around a game board for awhile.

You know, I'm glad I chose to play and I'm glad we have "Family Pizza-Event-Night". I hope that I will always choose family over every other distraction that seeks to nab my attention.
I realize that these days will slip away too quickly and all we will have of them will be the warm memories and the echoes of laughter.

I realize that I am vulnerable - I don't always choose right when it comes to leading my family. So I must look to Christ to lead me as I lead them and as a motivation, I must remember the rewards of choosing right.

Besides... I won!

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