Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day March

I have heard a lot of political rumblings over the recent moves by the state of Arizona to crack down on illegal immigration in that state.

I think the city of San Francisco advised their citizens to boycott Arizona . . . I'm thinking "that's a problem?".

Apparently large protests are expected today. I heard a sound byte from a spokesperson for some "Society of Latino Elected Officials" (or something like that) in Atlanta. She spoke of the big protest planned for Atlanta warning that what has happened in Arizona could happen here in Georgia!

So I guess she is saying that if the federal government passes legislation to protect it's citizens and then refuses to actually enforce that legislation. Then the state of Georgia might step in and say "We will fill up what is lacking due to the federal government's dereliction of duty - we will take measures to protect the private property rights and civil rights of our citizens when threatened by people arriving here in an illegal fashion and without properly declaring their reasons for arriving here. "

If that's what she is saying could happen here - then I don't think I will be showing up to protest that action. I appreciate it when a government realizes its duty to its citizens.

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