Sunday, November 2, 2008

Local Politics

I well remember my "challenge" from yesterday - to keep things in "thankful" mindset.

But I want to relate something that is back in the political realm - only different. I think a couple of events have tempered some of my angst about all the possible political scenarios that are out there.

A "Speaker of the House" - Tip O'Neil I think - once said that "all politics is local".

I experienced something of that a couple of times last week.

Once was on Tuesday night. The Christian school my children attend has an opportunity to purchase some property in hopes of building a new school there. Before that process can go very far, the land must be rezoned.

Well the final hearing on re-zoning was held last Tuesday night before our county Board of Commissioners. Quite a few folks showed up in support of the proposal, I was among them.

Having arrived a little late, I did not receive an agenda so I did not know that there were three hearings ahead of ours. Each time and new hearing began, I would look around and try to figure out where the opposition was sitting. And in each case I was checking people out to see if they might be there to oppose our request.

I saw an older guy with a book of maps, that I later learned was a "soil study" - I hoped he was not opposing us.

Finally, all the other hearings were over and it was our turn. Our appointed speakers spoke.

There was opposition but they were so kind and spoke so favorably about the school that you could hardly tell.

I believe it was an example of the favor of God!

The hearing was declared over and our request was approved. The commission also took into the account, the concerns of those neighbors in opposition and indicated that they would also be addressed. So after we left the meeting room, I spoke with some of the people in opposition and told them how much I appreciated their kind approach. I had a few moments of pleasant conversation and connectedness with one particular couple.

This was an example of the beauty of how this system of government - inspired by God and composed by our Founders - works.

I am thankful (there - I met the challenge!) for this opportunity to see local public discourse at work.

Next, was my early vote on Friday evening. I have already written about that experience but what struck me as I waited in that long line that snaked in seemingly endless undulations around that old civic center, was the congeniality of the people there.

I know that the campaigns have been rather bitter - but I didn't see that rancor among the constituents in line. I didn't spot resentful eyes peering around the room and sizing up the vote... it was just people participating in a sacred rite - a civic duty - the honorable deed of selecting the leadership of this nation.

I heard conversations about high school football, trick or treating, work and the like, but not much about politics except to wonder at the turnout.

This country is alright and there are still good people that make up this miracle of a nation.

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