Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Forgotten Holiday

I love Thanksgiving Day - I think partly because it is something of the "underdog" of holidays.

It seems that most of our society does not to know what to do with Thanksgiving Day. Stores go all out to promote Halloween and then move right into Christmas. About the only marketable item related to Thanksgiving is food. So Thanksgiving Day becomes "Turkey Day" and the lead-in to the Christmas shopping season.
Thanksgiving Day may be in its present dilemma for a couple of reasons: 1] It is a holiday that is defined by a specific attitude - gratefulness. 2] It is a holiday that is uniquely American and specifically designed to turn attention to God.
These are not popular concepts these days.
So I love Thanksgiving - it's the non-conformist holiday.
I am trying to pass along to my family, my love for this holiday and its traditions. But even this morning, my blogging is distracted severely by the fact that we have two family functions to attend and Ab and AA have been in a crisis over a play that they wrote and practiced most of last evening.
Creativity and Traditions - those are the hallmarks of this season. But this morning, R. and I have been trying to convince our kids that everyone may not want to sit and focus their attention on a kid's play that has a multitude of scene changes and no strong plot (although that describes most of what passes for entertainment these days).
I will include some pictures from their rehearsals.
But I need to go for now, since I can sense the level of tension rising sharply in this traditional holiday home, and I think I need to address the "attitude" part of Thanksgiving Day again.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

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