Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Why would a soldier who already had invested so much of himself into the protection of his country, go a step further and take on the monotonous duties of standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns?


The proud tradition of our military shows us how to behave.
One time we are cheering and applauding when they walk through airports, other times we are spitting on them and calling them names . . . still other times we just ignore them. Yet they respond to any or all of those reactions with the same attitude.

Respect, Devotion to Duty.

On my recent trip to Washington, the only item on my list of "must sees" that I almost missed was Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknowns.

I arrived at the airport several hours early and it was raining.
When the rain finally let up, I overcame my hesitation, made a quick attempt at figuring out the Metro Rail system - including navigating the proper route to Arlington, checked my time and decided to give it a go.

The rain returned, but it was fitting.
The walk was longer than I anticipated but, this was not the place to complain about sacrifice or inconvenience.

Row upon row.
Families walking by silently.
A soft patter of rain.

Like most of the sites on that historic visit, this one moved me.

Such devotion and care.

Thank you.

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