Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

I am posting quickly today because - unlike most of the population - I am working on Memorial Day.

There are several items percolating in my mind right now, hopefully some of them will work their way into a post worth reading soon.

It's Memorial Day.

In a prayer I heard yesterday, an aged minister pointed out something of what Memorial Day used to be in small towns across America: high school bands marching for several miles in order to play in honor of our nation's fallen heroes, families gathered to hear accounts of undaunted courage and a strong sense of duty, weepy-eyed old soldiers remembering the sacrifice of others.

Sadly, he also pointed out that those were items from "another age".

I caught a few random moments of a radio presentation produced (I believe) at WMBW in Chattanooga (a Moody Radio affiliate). It was called, "Washed in the Blood" and it centered on the religious awakening that occurred as a result of the War between the States.

In it, one historian pointed out that in one major battle, 23,000 soldiers - young American men - died. To illustrate, he said that if these men were lined up single file, shoulder to shoulder - the line would string out for six miles!

Six miles.

One battle.

I am constantly amazed at the noble service the members of our United States military stand constantly ready to yield.

To those who paid the ultimate price for freedom: today we pause to honor you.

To those still living, who have willingly offered your life in the past, and those who hazard your life even now to maintain the freedom God has shed on this nation now: Thank you.

And to those families whose hearts ache still because a child, sibling, Mom or Dad has fallen in service to this country: we honor you for your sacrifice.

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