Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sojourn celebrates its second anniversary today.

I went back this morning and read my "Inaugural Blog" to see if the principles that motivated me to start blogging in the first place, were still there.

They are.

I still want to imitate my Creator by creating. Although I will confess that most of this past year two factors have affected my ability to use this media as an outlet for creativity: availability and attitude.

Not long after starting this blog, we purchased a laptop in addition to our family desktop. This gave us a spare computer so I could use the desktop with impunity. Well, the desktop crashed late last summer and Mr. Procrastination hasn't gotten it repaired. In addition, R. and I are using the laptop much more; she is also blogging and reading other blogs, we often watch Netflix movies on the laptop, and finally - the internet is our main resource for news.

Then again, I haven't been very available lately. It seems that distractions abound with two kids that are beginning to get involved in more stuff (even though our involvement is very mild compared to many parents we know). Most of the time here lately I feel as if (get ready, I have been waiting for a chance to use this phrase!) - I feel as if I have been swiftly oscillating in a pedestrian fashion, not unlike a decapitated cackler - (you figure that one out) This leads me to the second factor - attitude.

More and more I realize why my Dad seemed to be grumpy alot when I was a kid. I have become grumpy - at times. I find that though I have things to write, by the time I get the opportunity to write them, my energy level is just depleted.

There, now that I have unburdened myself and most of you have moved on to find out what the latest Lindsey Lohan scandal is, I need to quickly look at the other guiding principles.

To Craft - I had hoped that this endeavour would give me a chance to hone whatever writing skills I may possess. I think the project has been useful in this area. I would like to incorporate more variety into the mix - more stories, articles etc.

To Communicate - I haven't done well with this one. I have spouted my opinion a great deal, in hopes that it may provoke thought in others but my communication in this blog has been almost totally one-sided. In addition to the blog, I have expanded my venues, signing on to Facebook and Twitter. In both instances, it has proven to be too time-consuming to keep up with the barrage of communications there. By the way, if you are my Facebook friend - I'm sorry if I haven't responded to something you wrote on my wall . . .

To Learn - well, SoJourn has been a learning experience! I have met a few folks because of the blog or because my being here led me to read their blog. I have learned a little more about me: it has become increasingly clear that I still waste far too much energy on being concerned about what others think. . . or what I think others will think. Hopefully learning will eventually bring about change in me.

This will be my 381st post so I guess I have averaged a little over a post every other day - that's more than I thought.

If I graded this past year, I would have to give SoJourn a B- or a C . That gives me something to work toward.
If you are a reader of any regularity, thank you. I like to think that I would do this whether anyone was reading or not - but I really want people to read what I wrote ... I'm just that shallow. But more than that, I hope that God will help me to write something here that will be worth reading . . . something that will make a difference.
Thanks again and God Bless!

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