Monday, April 12, 2010

Dancing with the Stars

Having children has taught me a lot.
I know the lyrics to the "Veggietales" theme song and can sing at least a portion of most all the "Silly Songs with Larry" songs.
I now know why my Dad often seemed grumpy.
And I have learned that despite the speculations of many in my life (R. included) - I do in fact have a sense of rhythm ... in fact, I am a virtual Boogie-Machine.
I arrived at this latest discovery while contemplating the annual "Father-Daughter Dance" that is organized by the American Girl group at Ab's school. We made that scene last Friday evening.

This was the third time, she and I had taken to the dance floor at this event.
It was only a day or so before the dance that I had decided that my oft-stated goal of Ab waiting until age 30 to start dating - just might be within reach....

But alas, there is something magically transforming about a ball. . . and my little girl soon changed quickly into a frighteningly beautiful young lady...

She was so poised and so demure....

Fortunately she did occasionally lapse back into Daddy's Little Girl . . .
I am very pleased to say that this year - as has been the case with all three of these events - she saved all her dances for me alone. I am, however, painfully aware that my days are numbered.

Now back to my dancing: It know that it would be difficult to believe, but I have never had a dancing lesson - never.

The only thing that came close was when Tammy Watkins tried to teach me and Donnie Smith the "Hustle" in her living room - a day or so before I was to go to the Senior Prom with her niece. Other than that - nothing but a few rounds of "Saturday Night Fever" and some Fred Astaire movies. I guess you could say I'm self-taught.

I think I noticed some of the other dads kinda' stop and stare as Ab and I tore up the dance floor Friday. In fact after I bumped into a couple of folks that sort of got in our way - people just made room for us.

It was one of those magic moments.
Actually, I really was a Boogie-Machine . . . at least my daughter made me feel as if she thought so.
And that was all that really mattered.

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