Monday, June 15, 2009

Dead Woodland Creatures, Goths and Mommy-Blogs

As the weekend subsided and I returned to something of normalcy - I began to re-think that last post.

Those four or five of you that read this blog on anything like a regular basis know that I am all across the boards as far as subject matter. I mean, most blogs are about one thing - they attract a niche audience of people who like what that blog is about. I think that is how bloggers develop devoted fans. . . and it's probably also why my readers number in the half-dozen or so.

I like Mommy-Blogs - to a certain degree. I enjoy the insights of some of these nurturing unsung heroes. I like to see what their kids are doing and the cute things they say. I include my kids here at times...
There! - satisfied?
But you wouldn't really call this a "Mommy-Blog" - and if people thought that it was - imagine the shock that would ensue as they read the preceding blog with it's photographs of dead woodland creatures and a decapitated snake.
That was what I was re-thinking.
I mean what kind of readers can I hope to attract?!?
I am thinking that the title of this post coupled with the pictures from the preceding post, should land me near the top of some gothic search engine. I mean there's nothing like a reference to "Dead Woodland Creatures..." to raise a few pierced eyebrows. Who knows, a "black-lip-sticked" smile may even trace a path across some one's pale face.
Actually, I'm kidding.
I do think I will consider a WARNING label before the next post involving slain animals.

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