It's not enough that we have "Jimmy Carter" back in the White House- playing nice with the Iranians and all the other third world dictators in the world.... while at the same time telling the American citizens how naughty they have been for the past 200 + years...
Do we have to have an outbreak of swine flu on top of that!!!

How far will this country go to get us back to the vapid 70's???
And is it just me or do all those "world health officials" seem a little -well gleeful - when they suggest that maybe - just maybe - we will finally get that pandemic flu they have been telling us about?
It is almost as if they want to see a worldwide catastrophe - just so they can be vindicated.
And speaking of someone hoping for vindication through worldwide disaster... why is Al Gore still being taken seriously?
And speaking of throwbacks to the 70's, I have suddenly begun to hear the word "Ecology" bandied about again. I thought that word had fallen into obsolescence. I had a board game in the 70's called "Careers"... one of the career paths you could choose was Ecology.
You know, it was only a few years back that it was considered quite fashionable to ridicule and laugh about anything that came about in the 70's... disco, leisure suits, bad hair, bell bottoms ... it seemed that only a short time ago, we had come to our senses.
I grew up in that decade. If there was anything worth defending about our culture then, I think I would be doing it.
I also love nostalgia, but I have never thought of the decade of the seventies as being a time that provoked any feelings of nostalgia. We get nostalgic about times of simplicity and innocence; not much of either of those virtues could be found in the 70's.
Self-indulgence, self-centeredness... those seem to me to be the benchmarks of the 70's.
I haven't listened to any conservative talk radio today and I have only scanned the headlines of FOX News two or three times - so why this rant?... maybe it's just leftover angst from previous conservative talk radio shows I have heard this week. . .
...Or maybe it's just a common man spouting what he thinks is common sense.
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